So many new blogs, we need to hire somebody:
[ENGLISH] Shroogy Pride seems infatuated with Muntadhar al-Zaydi, a family member perhaps?
It's my honor to introduce this new addition to the Iraqi blog sphere, an Arabic based blog that does a great job tickling the emotions of the lovers of Iraq :)
* Notorious Kitabat writer, self-proclaimed 'Saddamist' and mass grave-denier Ishtar al-Iraqiya adopts the blog format to publish her writings. (Arabic)
As someone that had left Iraq years ago, and as a girl whose life-style and experiences vary from those of a guy, I heavily rely on old recounts by siblings and relatives pertaining to their Baghdad-habits, as well as stories told by various friends and net-users as a source of inspiration for the haps and mishaps of Choo8i's life under the current situation in Iraq. Iraqi slang is often used to express certain things and notions as opposed to their English counterparts, just for a firmer bond to the daily life of your average Iraqi youth, down to his manner of speech.
The purpose? The net is full of angry bloggers, appeased bloggers, support and opposition to this party and that public figure. Your average Joe, Choo8i, represents the overlooked part of society where people live the day attempting at as much a taste of normalcy as circumstances would allow, not wasting precious time over futile political debates.
الاسم : سطيفان ابن ابي نعل النجدي السلفي ( رضي الله عني )- التحصيل العلمي : بكلوريوس جهاد من الجامعه الوهابيه في المهلكه السعوديه حاصل على الدكتوراه في فن الذبح على الطريقه الجهاديه من معهد افغانستان العالمي للنحر و التشويه والدتي كانت تساعد المجاهدين في الشيشان حيث انها تعمل كشرموطه يقصدها الروس فينقض عليهم المجاهدون و هم في فراشها والدي لم اعرفه ابدا قالت لي والدتي انه استشهد قبل ان يتزوجها سميت ب سطيفان نسبة الى خلقي الحسن و اخلاقي العاليه سنة الولاده :5480 هجريه ( التعامل بالميلادي حرام ) متزوج من 12 زوجه و لدي 416 ابنا و بنتا كلهم مجاهدون انشاء عبد الوهاب شعاري في الحياة : انكح تنكح
بغداديات لتصوير الحياة والعادات قبل مائة عام . تراثيات بغدادية تبحث في الحياة البغدادية القديمة حسب رؤية الشخصية البغدادية التراثية عزيز الحجية
Violet for Iraq belongs to the category of day-to-day memoirs of Iraqi teenagers, a blog that talks about. well you know. She also has an Arabic blog in which she publishes poetry. While Aws Ayad opens his blog by being furious about a college incident with a girl.
Khalid al-Kishtini, a prominent Iraqi writer in the al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper, has recently started a blog. It seems he is keeping this blog to publish the naughty bits that can't make the cut. I would've published this entirely in Arabic but he has one English entry (which is quite interesting), so maybe he'll be bilingual.
كنت مع رهط من الشباب في مقهى دينوس بلندن عندما وقع نظري في ايام دراسة الرسم على فتاة حسناء من ويلز. استهوتني بجمالها وتقاطيع وجهها فدعوتها الى البيت لأرسمها. ادركت ما وراء الأكمة فاعتذرت و قالت ، يمكنك ان ترسمني هنا في المقهى اذا شئت. نفضتيدي من الموضوع. دفعت عنها فاتورة القهوة و انصرفت. بعد بضعة ايام استلمت هذه القصيدة من احد الحاضرين لم اعد اتذكر اسمه و قد ارخ فيها تاريخ الواقعة ، إذ قال
لفاتنة من البيض الحسان
من الولش الغواني لست تدري
بهن المحصنات من الزواني
"هلمي ارسمنك غدا." فقالت
غداة غد ، و في المقهى الفلان
فقال: بمرسمي حيث استتمت
زيوت الرسم و الورق الثخان
فقالت لا و من اعطاك عقلا
و علمك التحايل في البيان
اداة الرسم تحملها سلاحا
على فخذيك مشحوذ السنان
و لكن كل ما تبغيه مني
خلوع الثوب عن ذاك المكان
The son of Saddam Hussein's sister and former bodyguard, Al-Hussein Arshad Yassin writes omewhat irregularly on, as expected, his blog is very defensive of Uncle and Uncle's policies regarding several topics, including Iraqi Jews :
Now we come to the part where you are all waiting for. So how did Saddam Hussein defend Iraqi Jews? In the year 1992 there was nothing left of Iraqi Jews only 40 families refusing to leave the country. In the year 1992 a Palestinian Muslim threw 2 grenades on a Jewish synagogue in Baghdad killing 2 Jews and one Muslim (the synagogue’s guard). The Palestinian was put on trial and was sentenced to death. My uncle Saddam Hussein (my mother’s brother) gave a speech on TV. I was only 8 years old at the time and I remember nothing of this accident but today I asked my father to tell me what really happened since my father was my uncle’s head of security and bodyguard for 27 years from 1968 after leaving Najaf (where he use to study in the Hawza) till 1995 where he retired. My dad remembers this speech very well, he told me; your uncle went on TV and addressed this speech to the Palestinians living in Iraq saying that any Palestinian holding a grudge on Jews I ask him to leave the country an do his business in Palestinian. I will refuse to let people make out of Iraq a field of personal vendettas. And these Jews are Iraqi in the first place and they are under the protection of the Iraqi government because they are Iraqis and they hold the Iraqi nationality and they have the rights like any Iraqi. Any Palestinian wishing to make a show of his muscles and manhood let him go to Palestinian and make his killing there and not killing Iraqi Jews that have not harmed anyone and have not harmed any Palestinian living in Iraq.
We apologize for omitting those two very interesting Iraqi blogs that has been laying around for a while, the first is Sundus Abdulhadi's Mesopotamian Contemplations, a seldom blogging Iraqi artist based in Canada, she has been making a buzz lately around the Arab media for her painting 'Inana in Damascus', which is a commentary on prostitution of Iraqi women in Syria. Her recent post tells us about the story behind the painting's popularity, from American blogs to Arab media.
So, Here is a new track by some dude called Ron browz featuring the one'n'only Busta Rhymes. Funny, I was bumping THE COMING, Busta's first record, while pumping iron the other day (3ish). Once again, the American assumption that all brown people are the same gets jumbled into one joint. India is not Arabic people. They are indian. And not indian like 'injan you varmits'. Indian like close to Paskistan, India like one of the most beautiful places on earth. Anyway, this is what happens when you invite cats out to places like Dubai or the anywhere in the Gulf for that matter and not invite them out to Palestine and/or Iraq (interchangeable at this point.) Totally totally totally ignorant. Arab money is long if you were in the Gulf, or are someone who has taken advantage of the War. Ask lil'hamoodi in Naseriya what money is. He'll tell you electricity and a carton of two day old eggs (if he's lucky).
I apologize for all the bloggers here but I couldn't really make time between my laziness to add your blogs, and this is where I make due with this mega-post:
مساء الخير والسعادة سيداتي سادتي الاكارم قد توصف ادراجاتي وصف الرمزيةمرة ووصف الجنون مرات اكثر وهنا ( انا مجنون اذن انا موجود) ربما يكون للجنون فنون اولها شكرا واخرها اسف على الازعاجمدونة تميل الى مناقشة المواضيع السياسية و الدينية و من ثم كل ما يجول بالخاطر
حين تسرّبت من رحم أمّي – دون مشورتي طبعًا - ؛ خرجتُ مغلّفًا بكيس , و ما زالت أمّي تظنّ بأنّها نبوءة , و أنّي سأبلغ ما لم يبلغه الأوائل ولا الأواخر . حديث الكيس هذا متواتر في عائلتنا حتّى أنّ أبي قال عنه ( حديث حسن بسند لا بأس به ) . في المستشفى ؛ حيث ولدت بالقاهرة الجميلة والمزدحمة , تطوّعن الممرضات لتسميتي , فكانت الأسماء تتراوح قيمتها وثيمتها بين القومجية والإسلاموية نظرًا للمدّ السائد وقتذاك, حتى حسم أبي النزاع و أسماني " سعدًأ ..* أنا الآن في العقد الثالث من عمري , و قد قضيت نصفه أو يزيد خارج العراق , و حين أفكّر بالانتماء فلا تعنيني – حتمًا – خطوط الطول والعرض , إنّما الفكرة التي يغرسها الوطن في مخيّلة أبنائه , و العراق غرس في مخيّلتي قصيدةً لا تموت و حنينًا لا ينساق بسهولة إلى وصلة الردح الوطني . أنا رجل بلا وطن , و وطني – الجغرافي على الأقل – يحترق و يسكرُ بدمه العاقّون من أبنائه , بولاءات ناقصة
Labels: arabic blogs
Mosul is a fine Iraqi city that has gifted writers. They usually write about important things that we often would want to cherish. One recent informative blog I have encountered is Mosul4All, which gives us background about a student's experiences in medical school. It's quite a personal take on things and that makes it very unique to some of us.
Zaid is a 21-years-old Chemical Engineer who maintains a blog, Road to Inner Me, where he talks about soccer, college and other things he finds interesting.
A conservative Sunni Muslim Pharmacist of 25 years occasionally commenting about politics and religion. He has pictures of Harith al-Dhari on his personal heroes list. Here is his about page:
مسلم عراقي صيدلي…. وإن شئيم أضيفوا أي شيء من الممكن وصفي بهأسكن بغداد، ولدت فيها ولا زلت أسكنها
ولدت في يوم الإثنين 21 ذو القعدة 1403 الموافق 29 آب 1983
درست في مدرسة الصمود العربي الإبتدائية ( 1989 - 1995 )
والثانوية في ثانوية المتميزين للبنين ( 1995 - 2001 )
ثم درست في كلية الصيدلة بجامعة بغداد ( 2001 - 2006 )
والآن أنا صيدلي بمستشفى أبي غريب العام ( منذ 25 آذار 2007 وحتى الآن )
I've been laughing a lot during my blog-hunting these days, mostly due to:
A new blog by two new bloggers: Surreal and Ammar Kanno.
I was born here where am living now! in the eighth of May 1986, my name is..., its not important, "silliest things we hold are our names" NIZAR QABANI
"A very ordinary man..."
Labels: new blog
They say "blogging is difficult but its harldly brain surgery." But this one is. Dr. Haitham H. Shareef writes about all the latest developments in the field of neurology in Iraq. So if you are a brain surgeon looking for like-minded (no pun intended) people or desperate to know if you can get your suprasellar arachnoid cyst treated with endoscopy in Baghdad... this is the blog for you.
2 New Arabic Blogs (I'm thinking of adding them in a separate blogroll), and 2 English Blogs.
In addition to Baghdad Dentist and Iraqi Psychatrist, I have added links to two other Iraqi blogs.
A friend of mine told me this story: When he was six years old, he couldn't sleep at night, his parents decided to let him visit a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist asked him questions and perscribed him medicine, I asked my friend if it did anything, and he said: Yes, I became able to sleep, but only because I didn't want to see the psychiatrist again.
Wellcome to my blog, it is about my interests which I think many share me: PSYCHIATRY comes first cause am a resident doctor in psychiatry hoping that I will be a specialist in 4 years; IRAQ HISTORY cause am iraqi and like history especially the summerian and babylonian era; and all the siences that are linked to both psychiatry and Iraq history and that will be a long list.....
well you gonna have nice time with my blog...
With a recommendation from one of my favourite bloggers, this blog certainly got my attention. Baghdad Dentist is, well, a dentist and he's from Baghdad - but he's working in Mosul. Only into his third post, his reports of the events around him and his life in Mosul makes unmissable reading. Here is his introduction in his own words...
I'm a dentist (fresh graduate). I lived my 23 years in baghdad and living the 24th in mosul. I moved to mosul temporarily since the beginning of violence and the deteriorated security situation.
I lived the best times in baghdad especially in baghdad college secondary school where I graduated from.
I have an obcession of electronics especially computers and communication staff, so I studied in an institute of electronics during summer holiday when I was 15. my big desire was to be an electronic engineer, but the temptation of being a dentist and keen on progress in electronics field (being creative in two fields at the same time) override.
And that is what im going to achieve, working now in a specialized dental centre as a rotator dentist and the rest of the day with computers especially in baghdad I began to make deals to fix used laptops but it’s a small business for the while time. As a rotator dentist im trying my best to get use of my seniors' experience and im planning to get the master degree this year.
Layla Anwar of the blog An Arab Woman Blues can hardly be described as a shrinking violet - for example, here she is writing about Islamists:
I absolutely detest, abhor, despise, hate, the current Iraqi government. I hate the fucking mullahs. I hate Sistani, Maliki, Jaafari, Muqtada al Sadr, Al Hakeem and there rest of the smelly retards - all those sectarian Shia shits from Iran. I can’t stand Iran’s Ahmadinajad, Khomeini, Khatemi, Khameini...Kha, kha, kha, khara...(khara is shit in Arabic) I am totally allergic to the snake Nasrallah and his fucked up sectarian Hezbollah, who says one thing and does another.
But it does not stop there...
I am a fed up with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the Salafists, the Wahabists...
And I am talking here as a WOMAN. These bastards stand against everything women of my generation fought for.
This is proving more difficult than I imagined.
It's as if there are certain "red lines," I am not supposed to cross, transgress.
On the one hand, I am probably expected to continue fighting the fight - for the most part alone. My other blog is completely devoted to Iraq, even though that was not my only intention. I guess starting this one is an attempt on my part to affirm my own territory, my own space...Only for me. Hence no remarks will be allowed.
The other thing that feels like a stumbling block and which am hoping to turn into a stepping stone - is that old voice in my head that keep repeating in an automated fashion "what will people say"
Again, it feels as if I have stumbled on some big taboo that I need to break down, or chisle away at, sculpt it and change its forms hoping that the final product, will be a piece of personal art.
Eerily in sync with this blog post about Iraqis marrying all over the uneasy piece in Iraq ; two Iraqi bloggers publish freakishly similar picture-posts announcing their engagement ; Marshmallow26 and Micho Meme, alif mabrook.
Anyone complaining about rising Islamist influence in Iraq hasn't seen Iraqi blogs, where the hell are the Islamic blogs? I can't think of any! On the other hand, this is the third atheist blog in a row.
And his other post lays down his supposed theory of superior intelligence of some races over others, citing the black man's lack of civilization as an example.
اولا السلام على الجميع اعرفكم بنفسي انا عراقي من اب كوردي و ام عربية وفي الرابعة والثلاثون من عمري متزوج ولدي 2 من الاولاد اكملت الدراسة الثانوية الفرع الادبي ومن ثم اكملت سنتين في معهد المعلمين وحصلت شهادة الدبلوم في بغداد ومن ثم اكملت الخدمة العسكرية الاجبارية البالغة سنة ونصف ,احب القرأة كثيرا وبعد تعمقي بالديانة الاسلامية وتأثري بأصدقائي من المسلمين ذوي المذهب السلفي السني الوهابي واطلعت ايضا على باقي المذاهب الاسلامية والفلسفية وقرات عن علم الكلام في الثقافة الاسلامية دخلت في متاهه فكرية ضلت تراود فكري حول تناقضات الدين ,وبعد دخول الامريكان واسقاط نظام صدام واطلاعي على الانترنت الذي كان ممنوعا في العراق او مراقبا في احسن الاحوال نمت لي قناعة ترك الدين من خلال الافكار التي ترسخت لي وتلك الحقائق الدامغة على ضعف هذا التفكيرالقاصر اي التفكير الديني , فالدين عبارة عن حاجة نفسية للأطمنان الذاتي والاستقرار فهو باختصار صنع الانسان كما صنع الانسان القديم صنما من الطين ليعبده , فيما تطور العقل فصار هذا الاله لا يرى ولكن يحسب له الف حساب,انا اقتناعي ليس الحاديا بل اعتقد ان هناك مكونا ذكيا كون الوجود لكن ما هو لا احد يدري لا عبقري يجمع الناس من حوله ويقول ان رسول الاله قد نزل عليه ولا مسكين قد قال انا ابن هذا الله. والانسانية تنتظر الجواب وشكرا
Hey! I can't remember for the life of me when was the last time somebody updated this blog, it seems like the Iraqi blogodrome is experiencing a menstrual pause, for what it's worth, let's skip speculations and stick to indexing.
في اوائل العشرينيات من عمري تركت العراق,فاقدا كل امالي في ان اعود اليها يوما,القيت بشرا برمجت ادمغتهم بايديولوجيات و افكار رمليه تحدد نمط حياتها و تفكيرها,جاعلين لانفسهم اعداء وهميين وليس لهم اعداء اصلا,انتبهوا هم اعدائكم,و هم يكذبون عليكم
اين هي عقولكم يا امه الرمال؟؟؟
هل تذكرون اقلام المدرسة عندما كانا واحدا اطول من الاخر ففي بعض الاحيان كنت افضل الاكبر لانه مريح في الكتابة وفي بعض الاحيان كنت امسك اصغر قلم لكي اتحداه باصابعي الصغيرة اننا نرى الافضل بنسبة احدهما بالاخر انها نظرية النسبية التي قال بها انشتاين في احد الايام و تمشي معنا طوال ايام حياتنا فنحكم على الاشياء والاحداث كما تعلمنا فتكون هنالك افضلية لما هو اكبر واجمل واغنى ليس هنالك مشكلة في هذا انه شيء نسبي وموجود كل شيء ياخذ حقه في هذا ولكن المشكلة عندما يوجد شخص يحاول ان يصبح الافضل بان يقمع غيره ويحبطه ولايتكلم الا عن اشياء سلبية قد لاتوجد في الاخرين في الواقع! انهم الضعاف في علم النفس تسمى هذه بالاسقاط بان يحاول الفرد يخفي عيوبه عن طريق القاءها على غيره انهم نماذج موجودة بكثرة من لايعرفون طرق النجاح ولكن وان اصبحوا ناجحين يوجد دائما من هم افضل منهم انهم في الواقع الاناس الطيبون الذين لايعتبرون ظهور البشر سلما لنجاحهم وسيبقون افضل من كل من سبق انهم اصحاب رسالات السلام...
"The blog is about criticizing relegions, mostly Islam because I know more about it, but also something about christianity and judism, focusing on the conflict between science and the holy books, which proves definetly(from my point of view) that the religions are man-made not from the creator, the blog does not discuss about the existance of a God(although I am interested in) because I do not have yet a clear opinion about that, I think that the existance of a God is a very complicated issue."
I know I am stretching the definition of 'Iraqi' here, but Deborah Abdulla is married to an Iraqi and her children are half Iraqi. Anyway, its such a great blog that I will have to make her my honorary Iraqi for the week just to include it.
there are three major types of laws that people will follow,
the laws of the land,
the laws of the church,
and the laws of the soul
if there should come a time when they are not equal, and I must choose one over the other
I shall choose to follow my soul,
for I can step outside of the land and the church,
but I can not step outside my soul.
~Deborah Abdulla
LGBTQ of Iraq blogs in Arabic and, he assures me, soon, in English about Lesbian and Gay issues in Iraq. Lesbians and Gays are regularly singled out and targeted by the various armed groups in Iraq.
I read today one Iraqi football fan saying "Iraqi is like a bunch of flowers not a pie to be divided". And Ara Ashjian is one of those flowers, reporting from Baghdad on the travails of the Iraqi Armenian community. Read here to find links to all the Armenian blogger, the latest issues worrying the Armenian community in Iraq to the Iraqi Armenian who became a health minister in the UK!
NOTE: Original post by Salam Adil restored after a little "Konfusion".
I believe in God, in humanity, in non-violent communication and in a global-unity-in-diversity that allows each and every culture its own specialness, while setting them all in the context of a universal care and fairness that honors the uniqueness of each.And she takes a unique perspective on world events. Here she writes about the second bombing of the Samarra shrine:
There are 6,601,676,326 ways to God. (Right now.) That many ways to worship, to think, to talk, to act, to take in this world. Has that not been realized? So what is with all this 'holier than thou' attitudes running rampant? And on a universal level I have to add! What is going on? Do you not believe you are walking on the One True Path? Is that not enough? Does your path force you to hurt, rape, murder and destroy this planet?
1. Last of Iraqis: Iraqi dentist who is a relative of Zeyad, still living in Iraq, and that's a big plus. A solid blog with perhaps the best blog-coverage so far of the 2nd Askari incident, as well as an interesting video of Adhamiya. Blogs dilligently.