Tuesday, March 22, 2005

New Iraqi Blogs

Hello. First time to post here.

Just wanted to bring your attention to two Iraqi blogs that have been online for a while.

First, Beth-Nahrain, by Nancy, a Chaldean Iraqi girl who lives and studies in the US.

And Dr. Najeeb Hanoudi, who might as well be the most senior Iraqi blogger! An esteemed 70 year old ophthalmologist living in Baghdad, who has been offering his views on the Iraqi scene for quite some time now.

Please welcome the latest newcomers. Also, you might want to check out my Iraqi Blogs page on my main blog, right under the flag on the sidebar. It is the most definitive list of Iraqi blogs that you can find on the internet, and does not include non-Iraqi blogs.


New today: 2


#3/23/2005 12:46:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger liminal

Thanks Zeyad. Wow... respect your elders indeed. I'm so happy Dr. Hanoudi's thoughts are linkable.

#3/23/2005 01:17:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger emigre

Thanks loads for the updates (yes wow !).

#3/23/2005 05:37:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

this is great news, thanks indeed!

#3/23/2005 10:53:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger ihath

Hello Zeyad,
Do you mind if I steal the Iraq Blogs icon from your website?

Also I created one in Arabic here http://www.hexsense.com/images/iraqblogsArabi.bmp

It is yours if you want it

#3/24/2005 01:11:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger dgfdsgdsgds

My pleasure, Ihath. :)

#3/24/2005 06:57:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger ~Nancy~

a personal thanks to Zeyad for advertising my blog...thanks a bunch!!! I'm finally getting visitors to my blog.


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