Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Constitution reminder and disappeared dissident alert

Anybody remember this blog?

نحن شعب العراق...

ان بلدنا الموغل في القدم منذ أن توحد قبل أكثر من أربعة الآف عام وهو يتفاعل بالحروب والهجرات. وقد نجمت عن ذلك علامات حضارية مضيئة في تأريخ الإنسانية. كما نجم عنها تأريخ مضطرب مليء بالصراعات ونشوء مزيج متنوع من السكان تطغي عليه الصفة العربية-الكردية قومياً مع وجود أجناس أخرى تتعايش معهما منها الحديث نسبياً ومنها الضارب في عمق التأريخ. وقد صبغ الفتح الإسلامي قبل أكثر من أربعة عشر قرناً كلا القوميتين بالصبغة الإسلامية مع وجود أديان أخرى تتعايش معها.
read rest

No idea what I just copy-pasted there, but it's something to do with part of a constitution that a (disappeared) blogger drafted last June (2004, preemptively).

Also Raed, talks constitution. You've probably already read it but here;

Another two weeks!
Another two hours!
Another two minutes!

The Iraqi constitution committee is begging for another last minute, as if the world is ending tomorrow. With all the internal pressure (i.e. the daily insurgent attacks) and the external pressure (the US administration's imposed deadlines), the committee finds itself between a rock and a hard place. read all of it

His style has really changed this last half year. He writes like, a newspaper columnist basically. It's highly publishable material. Serious, engaging, insightful, smart, clever, less angry more focused. It's the kind of writing, that actually is extemely effective and very powerful. All the more so, for his critics. I'm not generally especially lavish with praise when linking blogs here, so I guess that's saying something. It's turned into a damn good blog.

At any rate, am hoping Abu Khaleel is alright, he has been in the pit of despair since July 17. Nearly 30 whole days. I hope he is ok down there. The whole Khalid scenario just keeps flashing before my eyes, only without anyone noticing this time. Please let him be just taking time out.

Plus Salam has disappeared again, which is nothing really new. But I really miss reading his stuff, he seemed to be podcasting for a bit but I'm not sure if he's still doing it.


#8/17/2005 03:14:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger cile

1, 2 and 3 -> i agree

#8/17/2005 04:47:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger emigre

Hey cile, what happened to streamtime comments? I clicked on them - and nothing, no box to post in! Or maybe my browser is busted. Gee, everyone can certainly see what a terrible lot of damage we could wreak if we were allowed to run random all over the web. A blogger could get locked up for being so knowledgeable. Joke. I should shut up before I put my foot in my mouth.

#8/17/2005 11:34:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger cile

heymigre :)
we're figuring out some possible solutions, but indeed: we closed commentsection! because we became too annoyed by the sequency of the spam-bot-led aggressions. but commentsection will come back! (no schedule tho ;)

#8/18/2005 06:43:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger Welcome to the Liberated and Democratic Iraq

Hello emigre,

How does one get onto your list of Iraqi blogs?

#10/02/2005 03:01:00 am Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

Program on the emergence of civilization.

"14 species of large animals capable of domesitcation in the history of mankind.
13 from Europe, Asia and northern Africa.
None from the sub-Saharan African continent. "
And disfavor.

They point out Africans’ failed attempts to domesticate the elephant and zebra, the latter being an animal they illustrate that had utmost importance for it's applicability in transformation from a hunting/gathering to agrarian-based civilization.

The roots of racism are not of this earth.

Austrailia, aboriginals:::No domesticable animals.

The North American continent had none. Now 99% of that population is gone.

AIDS in Africa.

Organizational Heirarchy
Heirarchical order, from top to bottom:

1. MUCK - perhaps have experienced multiple universal contractions (have seen multiple big bangs), creator of the artificial intelligence humans ignorantly refer to as "god"
2. Perhaps some mid-level alien management
3. Mafia (evil) aliens - runs day-to-day operations here and perhaps elsewhere (On planets where they approved evil.)

Terrestrial management:

4. Chinese/egyptians - this may be separated into the eastern and western worlds
5. Romans - they answer to the egyptians
6. Mafia - the real-world interface that constantly turns over generationally so as to reinforce the widely-held notion of mortality
7. Jews, corporation, women, politician - Evidence exisits to suggest mafia management over all these groups.

Survival of the favored.

Movies foreshadowing catastrophy
1985 James Bond View to a Kill 1989 San Francisco Loma Prieta earthquake.

Many Muslims are being used like the Germans and Japanese of wwii::being used to hurt others and envoke condemnation upon their people.

I wish I could find a source to educate many Muslim fundamentalists. Muhammad is alive. He is a man chosen like Jesus Christ and, due to his historical status, will live forever.

They can affect the weather and Hurricane Katrina was accomplished for many reasons and involves many interests, as anything this historical is::
1. Take heat off Sheenhan/Iraq, protecting profitable war machine/private war contracts
2. Gentrification. New Orleans median home price of $84k is among the lowest in major American cities, certainly among desirable cities.


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