Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Story of the day

Hey all:))first of all, my apologies to the "nice jeff" :)) i am sorry for the confusion :)this period, i received more mails than i usually get, the majority of my readers were americans (probably 95%, no surveys, but basing on the mails i got)and the majority of my readers, and the very majority of the emails i get, are very nice, very supportive, and i thank everyone of them, and i apologize cause i dont have the time to reply to each one of them, specially for the over-10kb emails, but i certainly read every word and enjoy it, so thank you, and i promise to answer as soon as i can.back to our subject, the very funny thing is that for some people, the reference is Saddam, 35 years of minds-blocking made them think that the reference is Saddam, and thats why i am reading some comments (and with all shame i say i received one of these emails too, from an iraqi) saying: why do yo critisize Allawi, isnt he better than Saddam? or somethign like: whats your problem?? do you want Saddam back?? what would Saddam do to a reporter if he was mad at him??and that is so sad, that is a crack in the manners walls, a crack in the humanity wall, to believe that the reference is Saddam, and compare others to him, to justify their corruption, dictatorship, and arrogance.isnt that just sad? i really want to cry.i wish i was there in that conference, i would stand up on my feet, and ask for permession to talk, and i would say to Allawi in front of the cameras: Mr. president, i demand that you talk to the people in this room in a civilized way, you are an employee, the times of dictatorship are gone, you take your salary from our money, you are responsible in front of us, and we have every right to have all the answers for our questions.am i right or not? wouldnt that be just beautiful? wouldn't it just open a new page of standards that say that the president isnt a God that you should fear, he is an employee that should fear you?i will repeat it again, the president, any president, is an employee, and people are his boss, that is khalidism.as we live in iraq, we see a variety of openions, and its everyone's right, to think what he likes, as long as that doesnt lead to hurting others, that is what democracy is about...right?i want to ask a question!what if, the baathists, re-organized their lines, and came to us with speeches like: finally we got rid of the dictator, Saddam ruined the principles of our party, Sadam killed the good baathists, we will restore the realy baath party, the party that calls for lab lab lab, i think you understood what i mean, and these baathists will run to ellections as a new-old party, now you would say: sure they will fail in the ellections, but i will say: do you know how many millions were hurt by the fall of Saddam, you know, baathists, mokhabarat, whoever, who benifited from the existance of Saddam, those millions, who were marginized after the war, and kept with no jobs (which is a terrible american mistake) they were marginized, the thing that led to the fact that while they are marginized, left out of the community, they were encouraged that way to create their own community, a baathist community, call it whatever you want, and that community is thirsty for power, and want to restore their old lives, dont you think that they will support this new baathy party, and join it repeating the "Saddam changed what baath is about" speech? while i know, you know that they are lying, and that it is only a mean to get to power.what will you do then? ban the baath party? but then we will be no better than Saddam right? ban the parties that we dont like, let them work? you tell me!my point behind all that, is that democracy is a two sided sword, one side provides freedom, good healthy communities, and the other side provides some disturbing people in my comments section:)))) me*


#8/10/2004 03:00:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger Mohammed

I just wish that Americans could read Arabic... I would have recommended three Iraqi sites with daily updates... Only three... and they would have learned one thing or two about Iraq...
uhhh, How can I say it?
There's a different world out there... really! It doesn't matter if we like the way the majority of Iraqis think or percieve things, they will continue to think in that way... So I recommend that you start to doubt it when people start tellingt you exactly what you want to hear... I face the same thing here too, some Iraqis telling rest of Arabs just what they want to hear... But neither is the case....

#8/10/2004 03:12:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

Khalid said:

do you know how many millions were hurt by the fall of Saddam, you know, baathists, mokhabarat, whoever, who benefit from the existence of Saddam, those millions, who were marginized after the war

Yes we do Khalid, we do know that the Fascist are out of job, the torturers are unemployed, and all the people who had the benefit of Saddam's regime's are gone forever, we know all of this Khalid and we are happy about it.

Did you ever been in a jail khalid? did you ever saw people been hanged in the streets of Baghdad?? I bet not.
What was your benefit in the time of saddam and now is gone ?? because your post sounds like a tribute.

Cheers from LadyBird

#8/10/2004 03:20:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

I would like to know these three Arabic sites, name them


#8/10/2004 05:49:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

"is that democracy is a two sided sword, one side provides freedom, good healthy communities, and the other side provides some disturbing people in my comments section:)))) "

I am glad that you are asking questions about this new democracy thing. It is strange and confusing at first, but I an sure that you guys will get it soon enough.
You ask good questions what party should you ban?
The answer is quite easy, you ban no one. What you might say, ban no one? how about the Baath?
I say so what, if they want to work within the rules. Rules that are the same for everyone then that is democracy.
Believe it or not, here in the US we have Natzis, Communist, KKK this group want to return to the days of slavery??
And I would bet you a dollar that somewhere in the US there are Baathist. You might say that we are crazy how can we allow such people to run around freely and spread there poison, like you say that the Baath will come with nice sounding speeches, But how many people will really trust them enough to vote for them? Well probably not many, just a few wakos. The only people that we do not allow are people that use violence to get thier way in politics, we call them terrorist and thugs and thieves. Sound familiar?
And by the way don't worry if the water is abit cold at first, trust the water is just fine jump right in and enjoy.


#8/10/2004 06:02:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger emigre


I know you will ask why your comments have been deleted, and you deserve an answer.

1. I will not have people name-calling on this site.
2. Plagiarism.

#8/10/2004 06:06:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger emigre

Yes this site does allow debate, and i am enjoying the debate between Ladybird and Khalid.

If you can debate instead of stirring that is fine.

#8/10/2004 06:11:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger emigre

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

#8/10/2004 08:48:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous


Democratic governments are not perfect, or in some respects very tidy. What they absolutely require to be effective is an actively involved citzenry. Thus, the answer to your most important question is that the Baath party must be allowed to stand for election. It is up to its political opponents to remind the voters that a vote for the Baath may be a vote for a return to despotic government. If the Iraqi voters make an unwise choice, it will become your problem so I suggest you get involved.

Another important issue for you to consider is the drafting of a constitution that protects individual and minority rights so that Iraqis outside th majority are not subject to the "tyrrany of the majority." The set of rights and protections to be provided is up to your people. Since constitutions are intended to bind nations for long periods of time, this is an even more important reason to become as actively involved in the political process.

As to Allawi's press conference, you are correct in stating that he (and all other government officials) shoud be viewed as servants of the people of Iraq. Civility should be expected from all government official and the press core. When a press member asks a questions that is unfair or contains an embedded assumption, the official should point out the flawed nature of the question, answers its main thrust, and move on. A press conference is not the appropriate time for a political debate. The role of the press in that forum is to elecit information; the role of the official is to provide it.

Mark in Chi-Town

#8/11/2004 12:25:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger timx

You have great insight and understanding. As far as I am able to judge anything from the comfort of England, your observations are right on the nail! Keep speaking your mind - that is how you create a democracy.

#8/11/2004 08:36:00 am Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

Nimrud or Omar:
No name calling in Arabic. Remember there are people here can read what you wrote in Arabic.

Believe me, there is not a single Iraqi, I repeat not a single Iraqi and responsible of what I am saying is Anti-coalition from patriotic feelings. They just lost something with the fall of sad dam, they can’t say it in public and they need a mask, so anti-coalition, anti occupation is the name for the mask.

More information about this subject read “letters from King Faisil” I bet you can find it on the Internet


#8/11/2004 03:47:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

Jeffrey --

I find your droll protestations at being deleted highly amusing, given the dictatorial manner in which you run your own comments section. When being pummelled, as was the case with Ibn Battutah, you resort to banning and deletions. You have nothing to complain about.

And, I hate to break *this* to you, but Nimrod is the name of a legendary hunter. I don't see what is so idiotic about that name. "Jeffrey", on the other hand, means "God's Peace", which is highly ironic given your, umm ... how can I put this ... *excitable* nature.


#8/11/2004 03:49:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

Ladybird --

"Did you ever been in a jail khalid? did you ever saw people been hanged in the streets of Baghdad?? I bet not."

The problem that I have with your mindset is that you base your reasoning on emotive appeals instead of logical reason. Nobody disputes SH's brutality. But! Does his removal excuse the similar methods employed by those who would replace him?


The early indicators (shooting people, chopping hands off, dictatorial manner) are that Allawi seems to be cast by the same mould that cast Saddam. What is more, he is an appointed puppet of the Americans. Do you really want, in five years time, to realise you have exchanged one devil with another? One who answers to Washington?

What is the bet that the US / Allawi will find an excuse to postpone the January elections?


#8/12/2004 12:42:00 am Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

The name 'Nimrod' was apparently somewhat popular in the US in the 18th century, retaining popularity in the southern states through the mid/late 19th century. On of my great uncles, born some time before 1880, was named 'Nimrod' (referred to in family conversation as 'Uncle Nim'). My guess is that at some point between 1870 and 1920 a southern satirist created a character named 'Nimrod', a 'real nimrod' if you please. I know of no references, however the name went entirely out of fashion, and the southern colloquial usage (not common elsewhere, as far as I can tell) has ensured that Americans will not name their sons 'Nimrod', somewhat like the dearth of Sorens among the Scandinavians (refer Soren Kierkegaard and a mid-19th century comedy).

Be Well,
Bob Griffin

#8/12/2004 01:59:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger emigre

Jeffrey, --Bruno--,

when i ask for no insult slinging, i include dredging up and re~quiping past insults. you may have noticed the delete icon that appears beneath your own posts respectively. this facility allows a comment poster to delete their own comments (but no~one else's) on review.

i've had enough of monitoring you. you can monitor yourselves.

#8/12/2004 07:06:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger madtom

Mr. Jarrar pease read this.

#8/12/2004 07:37:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger madtom

What is the bet that the US / Allawi will find an excuse to postpone the January elections?


I'll bet a dollar.


#8/12/2004 10:27:00 am Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

Jeffrey -- Uh, no, actually I recall you wanting Ibn Battutah to grovel and plead with you to remain on the boards, which he did not do, so ...

This is apart from various other paranoid mannerisms you have adopted in your native environment, such as not allowing mention of the name of some 'doleful dame' or other.


#8/13/2004 10:29:00 am Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

Jeffrey -- "stupid" ? You said it.



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