Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Review review's

Just in case anyone's site metres have been playing up lately, you might want to go check what Dean is up too... Dave on Dean's site does weekly features, Iraq weblogs, ubertraffico. Are you in this weeks edition?

Thanking you Dean, from the bottom of my blog. (Ihath, purely coincidental comparison. Probably just spooky premoniscent powers manifesting again. Good excuse to sneak in link).

Meanwhile, Mark Glasser is hosting an interesting exchange between Iraqi civilian bloggers and US soldiers.


#9/30/2004 02:57:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger Alvaro Frota

Two local correspondents of Mafkarat al-Islam on Hayfa Street and al-Karakh neighborhood killed while covering afternoon fighting in Baghdad.

While covering the fighting in Hayfa Street two correspondents for Mafkarat al-Islam was shot dead by US gunfire Tuesday afternoon according to a notice posted at 5:40pm Mecca time.

Mafkarat al-Islam announced that correspondent Tahsin al-Janabi, was in the at-Tala’i‘ “Vanguards” Square in the Hayfa Street area when an American Apache helicopter opened fire at 3:30pm local time and struck him in the chest and abdomen, killing him instantly.

Twenty minutes after the martyrdom of al-Janabi, ‘Uday at-Tamimi was shot dead by a US sniper. The American bullet struck at-Tamimi in the head and he died instantly. At the time of his death, at-Tamimi was entering Hayfa Street from the north.

At the time the Mafkarat al-Islam notice was posted, the bodies of the two martyrs for truth were still lying on the streets, their blood mixing with that of the bodies of three children and one woman who were also killed by US snipers or Apache helicopter gunfire. At the time of the report, no one has been able to approach the bodies of the martyrs because of ferocious US sniper fire.

The third correspondent in the Hayfa Street area reported at that time that the Resistance was fighting back with equal determination. Resistance forces killed at least 13 American troops and left others wounded. Three Iraqi puppet intelligence men were also killed by Resistance fire. One US Abrahms tank and one Bradley armored vehicle were disabled. At the time of the report, US Apache helicopters continued to prowl the skies looking for victims, firing violently into the neighborhood, shooting at anything that moves.

Three Resistance fighters have been martyred in the fighting, the remaining correspondent wrote at 6:40pm local time, but the fighting continued.

Martyr correspondent Tahsin al-Janabi was 24 years old and was among the first in his class in the College of Political Science in Baghdad University.

Martyr correspondent ‘Uday at-Tamimi, 26 years old, was a graduate of the same college but came out two years before Tahsin. Neither man was married.

Mafkarat al-Islam reports that it has a total of 12 correspondents in Baghdad alone. The martyrs of Tuesday afternoon bring to nine the total number of Mafkarat al-Islam correspondents killed since the US invasion of Iraq. The website further announced that the editors had repeatedly appealed to the remaining correspondent in Hayfa Street to get out alive as the fighting continued to rage with unmatched intensity, but the correspondent refused to leave.

The Free Arab Voice salutes these martyrs for the Truth and the liberation of the Arab homeland and extends its condolences to their loved ones.

Resistance throws back US attack on Hayfa Street Tuesday night.

Iraqi Resistance forces frustrated a new US attempt to storm into Hayfa Street late on Tuesday.

The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in the area reported that at 9:00pm Tuesday night, a force of 10 US armored Bradley vehicles tried to break into the street, but Resistance fighters fought back, meeting them with bombs. A series of two blasts disabled US vehicles

We in Iraq War was publishing the "Iraq Resistande Reports" since they appears in Internet. There are some discution about the accuracy and credibility of these reports. Then, I beg to the Iraqis of this blog: What is your oppinion on the above?

Aquele abraço!

Alvaro Frota

#9/30/2004 03:38:00 am Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

You sir, are a very dangerous person. You are the very reason for the death and destruction in Iraq. I hope you are soon put out of business.

#9/30/2004 05:45:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger Alvaro Frota

You sir, are a very dangerous person.

Yes, I am, of course, a very dangerous person to the interests of USA imperialism, as I am trying to seek and show in Internet some truth about this illegal occupation of Iraq.

You are the very reason for the death and destruction in Iraq.

No, I desagree. The very reason of the death and destruction in Iraq is the fact that Iraq is very rich on oil and have a very important place in the strategic Midle Est. And, of course, the fact that American people is too brainwashed by TV to don't see the truth.

I hope you are soon put out of business.

I had received many death threats by doing my duty in Internet. As we Brazilians said, "Cao que ladra nao morde". But, if one USA agent kills me in the very midle of Rio de Janeiro, I will be only more one anonymous victim of the occupation of Iraq. Not more, not less...

I ask again the Iraqis of this blog: What about the Iraq Resistance Reports?

Aquele abraço!

Alvaroo Frota

#9/30/2004 06:17:00 am Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

It's very clear that in general, Iraqi's do not want you speaking for them. You only harm them. The "resistence" stands in the way of prosperity, freedom of speech and hope for Iraq. Who are you to assume that you speak for Iraqi's? You seem to have appointed yourself to this role. Would you be a dictator in another life...lool. Yes, the Iraq conquest is for oil only....nothing more. I'm having my direct line attached to the Iraqi oil fields shortly. My neighbor already is online..... Look, I've just read some of your earlier posts. You are a total waste of time and effort. A person who has no concept whatsoever of how to balance an argument. You are a very simple type that does nothing but preach your own drivel to others without listening in return. Good luck to you.. Glad there are few of you. So long.. Er, I think the US would have been far better off stealing Mexico's oil, don't you..... you know...the logistic thing. Hell, maybe, theres a pushover. Phewwww, you are hopeless. This resistence link you have....rotflmao..... WoW... I can only imagine what screws turn in your brain as you lay down to sleep. So long, man... You beat all...hehe

#9/30/2004 02:58:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger emigre

If certain anonymous commenters cannot name themselves I may (in consultation with other members) consider disabling this facility. Originally the anonymous option was provided in good faith as not everyone has a blogger profile. Perhaps it is time certain anonymous commenters considered getting one if they are going to consistently throw dirt around. An anonymous commenter cannot expect to go unrecognised for what s/he is; a partisan hack.

Requiring a blogger profile would still mean anyone can comment, it just means creating a blogger profile for those who haven't already. In democratic terms I would liken creating a blogger profile to voter registration.

Sure, some comments are off the wall but at least their poster's are identifiable. Besides, some crazy people make it online. I've heard there is this mad guy with tourette's syndrome who has over 1000 links.

#9/30/2004 05:06:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

Nooooooooo.....:) don't do that, dear. I think you may destroy much of the point of this "suggestion box" if you do.

Anonymous interjection is a great benefit and can increase the value of an argument profoundly. It keeps one from being pigeon-holed and safegaurds the complexity of the individual.

But, your thought is interesting and should be taken under consideration.

The ballot box comparison is valuable. However, in that case the actual vote is anonymous

......:) partisan hack, indeed.... In the wise words of my 5 year old nephew... "I'm not a partisan hack.. You are".... :) Have a good day, Emigre. All in good humour...

#10/01/2004 03:41:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger emigre


Interesting points. However, your argument is greatly discredited by evident (un-named) self-interest.

Assuming a pen-name is not a great ask and not uncommon in protecting a measure of anonymity.

#10/01/2004 06:51:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

Yes but....... :)

Would you promise not to pigeon-hole me in the morning?

You know as well as I that even a nomme de guerre will take on it's own persona. The problem being one of expectation from others. Valid points, views may well be overlooked because of habit of expectation. Or perhaps because the nomme de guerre has out of some emotion, frustration, anger said something in the past that people use to berate current..perhaps very valid points.

I'd prefer to think that we are a little more complicated. With some independent thought at times and ever developing minds...even if it's influence comes from that bad or good cup of coffee in the morning. Which side of the bed to you get up today??? I would hope that we give each issue it's just's own merit. To those who view him/her that may be more difficult without anonymity......

...Though, I like your argument, Emigre....Miss Purple Bristle... I am yet to be convinced....and my sincere compliments to your sharp intelligence. You may very well know who I am already.


#10/02/2004 03:58:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger emigre

Dear Anonymous

As one does recognise a voice offline, do does one recognise a voice on.

Besides, naming oneself elicits a measure of respect and arguments consequently carry more weight. Those who use real names gain more credibility still and the sincerity of those who can publish an image of themselves online surpasses all.

As for expectation coloured by previous behaviour, hast thee never heard of new leaves?

#10/02/2004 06:25:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

Dear Emigre,

...that was very nice.... But..

ONE by one, like leaves from a tree,
All my faiths have forsaken me;
But the stars above my head
Burn in white and delicate red,
And beneath my feet the earth
Brings the sturdy grass to birth.
I who was content to be
But a silken-singing tree,
But a rustle of delight
In the wistful heart of night,
I have lost the leaves that knew
Touch of rain and weight of dew.
Blinded by a leafy crown
I looked neither up nor down—
But the little leaves that die
Have left me room to see the sky;
Now for the first time I know
Stars above and earth below.

Harriet Monroe, ed. (1860–1936).


#10/03/2004 04:15:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger emigre

deciduous, then?

#10/05/2004 06:34:00 am Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

:)...yes I suppose. Well have a very nice site here and I wish you the best. Iraq is a hot topic...everyone has an opinion. Difficult time out there and productive forums like this are needed. Aha....Ihath has some interesting books...nice subject to get off on. Good luck and Salaam.



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