Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Good news from Iraq

The two simona's have been released. The two Iraqis captured with them were released as well. Finally, some good news. I was so happy when I heard this. Lets hope for a release of all hostages.


#9/28/2004 09:12:00 pm Assalam Aleikom Blogger smokey spice

I'm so happy to hear that too! Also, the same article says that the Iranian diplomat and another Egyptian have been released.
How come the French hostages haven't been mentioned so much in the media though?
Anyways, it is good news.

#9/29/2004 06:29:00 am Assalam Aleikom Blogger liminal

what wonderful news! yippeeeHooray!

#9/29/2004 10:03:00 am Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

lets hope that this is a signal towards the end of this practice. Though, I'm afraid that it's not. I think we'll find that the Italian Gov paid a ransom to release the girls. Lets see what the girls have to say about all this.

#9/30/2004 02:43:00 am Assalam Aleikom Anonymous Anonymous

TWO Italian aid workers released from captivity in Iraq have described their abductors as religious men who treated them with respect, asked for forgiveness and gave them a farewell present.

"We hope that this liberation can represent a symbol of peace," she said

"They taught us and wanted to teach us about the principles of Islam," Ms Torretta said. "They never touched us. They treated us with great dignity."

Ms Torretta was clutching a box when she was released, and ANSA quoted her as saying it contained 10 volumes of English translations and explanations about the Koran that the kidnappers had given them.

"Let's remember Iraq, which is always in my heart," Ms Pari said. She urged people to try to change the ugly reality there.

When a reporter shouted if that meant pulling out troops, she replied: "Yes, also withdrawing troops."

I'm dissipointed and feel taken advantage of. I wish them the best on their return to Iraq.....Ahhh, well. Kind of sorry that I cared. What are the two Iraqi's saying about the experiance?? Anyone?


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