Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Have you ever been in a strange city, walking about quietly, maybe you are searching for something but you don't really know what? Everything looks like cities usually do, buildings, more buildings, concrete, more concrete, maybe some brick and tarmac. You turn down an ordinary looking street, for no reason, walk to the end of it, and suddenly, you have just walked into the middle of one of the most vibrant blocks you have ever seen and were never expecting. This is what i found...

This is the ordinary street i turned down...

And this was at the end of it....

Iraqipress.com A newspaper?

Iraqipapers.com More newspapers?

Iraq Top 1000

Yalla Ya Arab yalla ya, an Arabic chat site?

Anbaar.net Info & documentation (A journalists blog?).

Iraq 4 All Groovy kitsch song (State Approved Camp?)

Iraqi Art This looks really cool...

Absso.com No idea what's going on here, looks like a bunch of articles, one on a captured Hussein, and some on art, and book reviews? Well this one looks like its about an artist anyway.

Iraq4us.com Discussion/forum?

Arab International.com Computers, general.

Wikalah.net Religion? (sorry, my ignorance makes me cringe, i haven't a religious bone in my body).

Kadhem AlSaher Marina Pictures 2003 your guess is as good as mine?

Dr. Ali Zayni This is too good! You have gotta click on his sculpture gallery (and his Dental Center). (Interesting, some of the sculpture reminds me a bit of Kathe Kollwitz and Ernst Barlach, both artists who practiced under regimes of oppression in the early mid 20th century, come to think of it the work of that other artist on the Absso.com page reminds me of the german expressionists too).

Serwan.com Very very cool. An artists site. Definately some expressionist inspiration going on here, Blaue Reiter and even something Klimptish?

Sorry i have no idea what most of these are about or who publishes them, so i hope i'm not linking to anything offensive, and hope that i've not offended anyone i've linked to. I started trying to figure them out by the pictures, and even wondered if i should ask someone else what they meant, in the end i threw away caution and just decided to link them anyway. I think all of these are Iraq sites, I think most are in Arabic, but some may be Persian? For all i know some of these could be censor controlled propaganda. Right now i really really really wish the babble fish spoke Arabic or Persian. If you can understand any of these i am soooo envious!

Rafedain This looks like a blog, and that looks like a map of Iraq in the corner - i'm counting it.

Tafteh.ws This looks like a blog too, but i can't figure out the origin, so alas, i shan't count it - unless i learn where its from/who publishes it.
Update from Ihath, for those who don't read/speak Persian, this blog is in Persian. It seems it may not be from Iraq, although this is still unconfirmed

Saberi.Persianblog.com A blog i guess too, in Persian? Again my ignorance precludes me from knowing who or where it's from. The tree pic-story is curious...
Update from Ihath, for those who don't read/speak Persian, this blog also is in Persian. It seems it may not be from Iraq, although this is still unconfirmed.

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